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The Asokan Pillar at Lumbini
Photo: Abhas D Rajopadhyaya / Amalekh Weekly 2013
देवनागरी लिपिमा मूलपाठ
1. देवान पियेन पियदसिन लाजान वीसगिवसाभिसितेन2. अतन आगाच महीयिते हिदबुधे जाते सक्यमुनीति
3. सिलाविगडभीचा कालापति सिलाथभेच उसंपापिते
4. हिदभगवम् जायेति लुम्मिनिगामे उबलिकेकटे
5. अठभागियेच ।
(From impression taken by Dr. Führer) 1. Devānapiyena piyadasina lājina vīsativasābhitsitena
2. atan āgācha mahiyite hida budhe jāte sakyamunīti
3. sillā vigaḍabhichā kālāpita silāthabhecha usapāpite
4. hida bhagavaṁ jāteti luṁminigāme ubalikekaṭe
5. athabhagiyecha
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A plate (erroneously?) providing transliteration and
Transliteration in an information plate
at the pillar, Lumbini
at the pillar, Lumbini
(Perhaps with errors(?))
1. Devāna piyena piyadasina lājina visativasābhitsitena2. atana agācha mahīyite hidabhdhe jāte sakyamuniti
3. silāvigadabhīchā kālāpite silāthabhecha usapāpite
4. hide Bhagavam jāteti lumminigāme ubalike kate
5. athabhagiye cha
Perhaps, the differences would be easier to locate in the following Devanāgarī transliteration of the above erroneous reading:
1. देवान पियेन पियदसिन लाजिन विसतिवसाभिसितेन
2. अतन अगाच महीयिते हिदब्धे जाते सक्यमुनिति
3. सिलाविगदभीछा कालापिते सिलाथभेछ उसपापिते
4. हिदे भगवम् जातेति लुम्मिनिगामे उबलिके कटे
5. अठभागिये छ ।
Translation in Nepālī:
(Derived from the same plate)
प्रिय प्रियदर्शी (अशोक) राजा राज्यकालको बीसाैँ वर्षमा अाफैँ अाउनुभयो ।
यहाँ शाक्यमुनि बुद्धको जन्म भएकोले (बुद्ध जन्म) सङ्केतक शिलामा पूजा गरी
यो शिलास्तम्भ स्थापना गर्नुभयो । यहाँ भगवान्को जन्म भएकोले लुम्बिनी
गाउँको बलि (कर) घटार्इ अाठाैँ भाग मात्र कायम गर्नुभयो ।
Translation in English:
(Derived from the same plate)
Piyadasi (Asoka), the beloved of the Gods, in the twentieth year of his
reign, himself made a royal visit. Sakyamuni Buddha was born here,
therefore the (birth spot) marker was worshipped and a stone pillar was
erected. The Lord having born here, the tax of the Lumbini village was
reduced to the eight part (only).
This article is also available at: http://inscriptionsofnepal.blogspot.com/2014/11/lumbini-inscription.html.
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