On 30 January 2016 (B.S. 16 Magh 2072, Saturday), the 12-year Bhadrakālī ritual dance was performed at the Brahmapur chowk (later corrupted as Balampu) at Indracoka, Kathmandu.
Pacalī Bhairava performing tantric worship during the ritual dance
Photo By: Abhas D Rajopadhyaya (30 January 2016, Kathmandu)
A member of Rājopādhyāya clan of Balampu, Indracoka and a noted artist Jeevan Rajopadhyaya offers a white duck on behalf of the Balampu Rājopādhyāya Āgama Chheṃ to the Kaumāri devī of 12-year Bhadrakālī ritual dance at Balampu Chowk
Photo By: Abhas D Rajopadhyaya (30 January 2016, Kathmandu)